A bit about us

Established in 1912 under the ZENNA Mission, the School for the Blind and the School for the Deaf at Ratmalana has been a cornerstone of inclusive education in Sri Lanka. In 1956, Nuffield School for the Deaf and Blind, in Kaithady Jaffna joined the family and followed in the same steps.

Since its inception, the institutions have remained steadfast in their commitment to providing free education and comprehensive amenities to visually, speech and hearing impaired students.

Governed by the Diocese of Colombo and managed by a Board of Trustees, the schools continue to uphold its legacy of inclusivity and academic excellence.

The prosperity and longevity of our schools hinge greatly on sufficient funding. Emphasising why funding is vital for supporting our schools' functions and fulfilling our mission.

Our schools strive to deliver quality education to every student, regardless of socio-economic status or disabilities.

Adequate funding is essential for hiring qualified educators, providing educational materials, and maintaining conducive learning environments. It allows us to address the diverse educational needs of our students, ensuring they receive a fulfilling academic journey. Furthermore, funding sustains comprehensive student support services, including healthcare, accommodation, and vocational training, fostering holistic development. Investing in infrastructure upkeep enhances safety and comfort, while specialised support services require dedicated funding. Community engagement fortifies our schools' long-term impact and sustainability.

How we'll spend the funds you raise

All funds raised through our fundraising activities are dedicated to supporting the students in our three schools, covering the following areas

  • Student Care: Funds are used to provide necessary care for students in their hostels and school environment.
  • Healthcare: Students receive free healthcare, including dental services, ensuring their overall well-being. 
  • Clothing and Sports Equipment: The schools provide students with clothing for sports activities and necessary sports equipment.
  • Assistive Devices: Blind students are provided with Braille writers for use during class and government exams.
  • Specialised Staff: Vocational trainers, sports instructors, and speech therapists are employed to provide specialised support to students.